Talk Overvie
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)/iBiology synthetic biology course is a series of talks about synthetic biology. It covers general principles, technical challenges, current research, and ethical issues in synthetic biology research. The synthetic biology course is based on the EMBO Synthetic Biology in Action Course, which was held at the European Molecular Biology Lab (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany over two weeks in June 2015. In addition to the faculty lectures, there are five videos created by the graduate student and post-doc course participants where they describe and demonstrate the lab portion of the course. Dr. Victor de Lorenzo (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología), Dr. Jacqueline Dreyer-Lamm (EMBL), Dr. Sarah Goodwin (iBiology), and Dr. Ron Vale (iBiology/UCSF/HHMI) were the synthetic biology course directors for this collaboration, and video production was care of the Photolab team at EMBL (Claudiu Grozea, Marietta Schupp, and Doros Panayi) and iBiology (Eric Kornblum). EMBO funded the production of the synthetic biology course.